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October 16, 2020 4 min read

Because COVID-19 sucks, but our lives don’t have to.

Stay home entertainment may be getting dull and you might want to go back to life as per normal, seeing as how the  COVID-19 situation in Singapore looks to be under control. However, we know that the virus is only as controlled as we are vigilant. We must remain careful and not take things for granted.

Here at Interstellar Goods, we feel the same sometimes. We know that spending days binging on TV shows can leave us wondering what life is all about. Especially when Netflix still relentlessly suggests new Korean dramas to us, even though our last show was 5 months ago…

No more! 

Here are 3 gift ideas that we feel can help liven up your stay-home days and spice up your entertainment. You know what, we’ll go further and suggest an activity each.


Best Self Deck

Best Self Decks

These decks are the unsung heroes of social activities. Designed to spark deeper conversations, the cards in the Best Self decks pose thoughtful questions that prompt players to share more about themselves.

Many of us are quiet. Not because we are introverted turtles, but because we don’t know where to start talking about ourselves. Even if we think we do, we may not be sure if the time is right, or if the other party really wants to know. So we just stick to superficial conversations.

deeper talk flatlay


The Best Self decks solve these problems as though they were never there to begin with. Invite some friends over (of course no more than 5 in a group for social gatherings, don’t forget!) and say: “Let’s play this new card game!” Done.

There are four versions of the Best Self decks: Icebreaker, Deeper Talk, Intimacy and Worst Self. The first 3 are ideally created in order of closeness, with the Icebreaker deck doing exactly what it’s named for. Deeper Talk can build stronger connections among close friends and family. Intimacy, you know, probably shouldn’t be played with your siblings.

intimacy question


The most interesting deck for us is the Worst Self. Unleashing our worst self together with others creates an awareness of our worst habits. It helps us connect with ourselves. To understand not just the best parts of our lives, but remember that the flipside exists as well.


Worst self statement


That’s just the first step in creating the best version of ourselves, isn't it? So put your phones away and get some real communication going!


Kablecard on phone


Okay if you still think binge watching Netflix is the way to go, we have something for you too. Enter the Kablecard. This little gadget packs an unreal amount of function in such a small form factor.

A 6-in-1 charging cable, SIM ejector pin (included), SD card reader, 2 compartments to store extra nano-SIM cards, a  wireless charger, and it can be transformed into a stand for your mobile phone while you watch your shows.

Kablecard interior


See that triangle in the middle of the Kablecard? That’s a light.

For whatever reason you may need a small light to see something, you could use it. Otherwise, it was made to function as a very useful ambient light, for when you’re using the Kablecard in the dark. It can be especially  helpful in reducing eye fatigue from the glare of your screen in dark conditions.

If you haven’t already, you can read an Honest Review of the Kablecard by our friend, Khairun (@khairunkamaruzaini)! He's had it for a while was kind to share his thoughts with us. He even made a video, linked in the review. You can jump to it  here.


MOGICS fully loadedMOGICS Power Bagel

Hungry for power? The MOGICS Power Bagel is just the thing to have. It’s an extension cord - or what we like to wrongly name in Singapore, a “multiplug” - in the shape of a bagel.

Staying at home can make power supply demanding. Furthermore, many of us are working from home these days, with our parents and/or siblings. Some of us work in small groups outside.

Conventional power lines are elongated and resemble the typical diagram of a parallel circuit.

Parallel circuit diagram

But the Power Bagel reimagines this as a ring, because who’d want to bring a 30cm-long extension cord with it’s 1m-long power cable, right?

MOGICS fits in pocket


The MOGICS Power Bagel is compact enough to fit in your pocket. That much power in the palm of your hands.

Doing away with the linear conventions allows a maximum of 7 simultaneous connections on the Bagel, including two direct USB ports that support fast charging. Better yet, it has enough power to run all outputs at the same time without loss of power (up to 1512W @ 240V), and has an extra fuse provided, nestled in a mini compartment!

MOGICS Spare fuse


Now you can have that Among Us marathon with your family and have everyone sit around the same table, without worrying about needing to move away to charge your phones. That’d be very sus!

Whether it’s for home or office use, the MOGICs Power Bagel provides a quick and easy power hub solution.

P.S. Only power should be consumed. Bagel not edible.


We hope you have enjoyed this list of gifts! These are merely suggestions and you may find something else more apt for your stay-home adventures. Leave us a comment and let us know your ideas!

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